Growth is the lifeblood of any business, and in the fiercely competitive world of online retail, it’s essential to find new and innovative ways to increase sales and revenue.

In October 2022, our online kids fashion brand achieved 300% growth in gross sales, thanks to a combination of effective performance techniques, including the usage of Collection Ads, Messaging Campaigns, Scaling through Advantage Shopping Campaigns, and Implementing Successful Cross-Selling Campaigns.

The results are absolutely incredible and demonstrate the power of using advanced performance marketing strategies to drive sales growth.

300% Growth

Let’s get you past the start line..

The account has been stable and successful across 2022, specifically during the period from April till September 2022, achieving significantly higher than the monthly gross sales target. However, during the testing phase, we discovered that some assets were more effective than others. Consequently, we have decided to focus on those winning assets in order to achieve even better results.

Although this shift in focus necessitated some adjustments and manipulation of our current strategy, we believed it would be worth the effort in order to maximize our results.

Total Orders

The methodology.. How everything started rolling?

A- Our first hero asset was the Collection Ads. We used Collection Ads to target potential customers who had already shown an interest in our products.

In our case, we targeted users who had previously visited our website but had not yet made a purchase.This allowed us to reach potential customers who were already interested in our products, in order to increase our sales.

Collection Ads

The goal was to remind these users about our products and encourage them to make a purchase. We achieved this goal by displaying a collection of our products in the ad, along with a call-to-action button that urged users to make a purchase.

We found that Collection Ads were yielding the best results, hence, we decided to study the Instant Experience View Rate. Based on our findings, we created Custom Audiences with their lookalikes.

We have found that the non-seasonal products are more popular with our customers than the seasonal products. This is likely because the non-seasonal products are not as reliant on current trends, and so they remain popular throughout the year. We believe that having a balance of both seasonal and non-seasonal products is the key to success in sales.

B- Backing up what we did above, we decided to enforce our tactics with a parallel messaging campaign. When it comes to messaging campaigns, it’s important to make sure that you’re targeting the right people.

This is why we excluded website visitors who had interacted with us in the last seven days. This ensured that our messages reached new prospects.

Messaging Campaigns

Our messaging campaign results showed that product album engagement rates were significantly high. This is likely due to the fact that product albums allow customers to see the various variances of a product, which can help them make a more informed purchase decision. Overall, our messaging campaigns were successful in reaching new prospects and increasing product album engagement rates.

We had two separate messaging campaigns, we included in them all the winning categories, keeping in mind the exclusions we mentioned earlier. And here are glimpses of the results.

Messaging Campaigns Results

During October 2022 we managed to achieve EGP 2M pounds in gross sales from the website Ads and the messaging campaigns.

2M Gross Sales

Bringing in EGP 2 million during October 2022 has been done through a few different tactics.

When it comes to taking your business up a notch, there is no room for complacency. At times like these, it’s essential to be constantly innovating and testing out new strategies that could bring in more profits.

First, let’s have a clear understanding of what was on ground..

  • We had a 50% offer on specific categories.
  • We had new arrivals to be listed during october.

Our 50% offer on specific categories proved to be a big draw for shoppers and helped boost sales significantly. This offer was strategically timed to coincide with our new arrivals for October, giving shoppers a chance to stock up on all their favorite items at discounted prices.

We started testing out the new and the discounted categories during this period, and this proved to be another successful strategy as it encouraged shoppers to explore our full range of products and find something that suited their needs and budgets.

Another factor that contributed to our success was our use of engaging creatives such as single and multiple product images as well as GIFs. This helped us stand out from the competition and capture attention spans online.

Lastly, we monitored the campaign closely over 4 days and noticed that there was potential to scale up sales on certain categories – especially Back-to-School items – which is why we focused most of our efforts on these products towards the end of the campaign period.

Timing couldn’t be more better for some SCALING ↗️

A- Scaling through Advantage Shopping Campaigns:

We scaled our client’s business by using Advantage Shopping Campaigns.

Advantage Shopping Campaign

These campaigns allow you to target high-value shoppers and offer them customized deals and discounts. This can be an extremely effective way of boosting sales and revenue.

Suggested Ads

We monitored the Ads on a daily basis during the testing phase, and left them running. Meanwhile, we started importing Ads from the mentioned categories into our Advantage shopping Campaign, in order to leverage on them without having to let them go through a new learning phase.

Amount Spent

The Advantage Shopping Campaign has been incredibly helpful, as it has broken down our audience into new and existing customers. Additionally, it has helped us acquire new customers and increase our ROAS.


B- Implementing Successful Cross-Selling Campaigns:

Finally, we implemented successful cross-selling campaigns to increase our client’s average order value. Cross-selling is the process of suggesting related products to customers who are already interested in buying something.

This can be an extremely effective way of increasing sales and revenue.

When it comes to online shopping, there’s nothing more frustrating than dealing with a product that doesn’t meet your expectations. That’s why, before recommending any product, we always check the customer reviews to make sure that there are no issues related to the product from their point of view.

This way, we can guarantee that those who have purchased from us before will purchase again.

And speaking of purchasing, we’re happy to report that our latest cross-selling campaign was a massive success!

Parallel to our Advantage Shopping Campaign, we ran a cross-selling campaign for the same categories, targeting anyone who performed the following actions:

  1. Purchased during the past 180 days (excluding the past 30 days).
  2. Viewed content on the website over the past 180 days.
  3. Added products to their cart over the past 180 days.
Cross Selling Campaign
Cross Selling Campaign Results

As a result, our ROAS (return on ad spend) skyrocketed to 30X!

Hungry for more acquisitions… “Dynamic Ads for Broad Audience”💰💰

DABA is an essential tool for customer acquisition. By targeting potential customers and enticing them with dynamic ads, you can significantly increase your chances of converting leads into customers. DABA makes it easy to create and target custom ads based on user behavior, so you can reach the right people with the right message.

Capitalizing on the fact that we added new products, we decided to add more budget to the DABA campaign, and this was the result.


Bear in mind that, we also used lookalikes from the instant experience and here you can find the difference here between the last two months (september & october).

September-October Purchases

(September-October purchases)

Purchases Conversion Value
(September Vs October – Purchases Conversion Value)
Website ROAS

(September Vs October – Purchases ROAS)

Vertical Scaling… “Maintaining the ROAS”💰💰

To maintain our desired ROAS, we increased the budget by 15-20% every three days. This ensured that all campaigns would not experience another learning phase and thus maintain our ROAS. We were able to increase the daily budget from 1000 EGP to 5500 EGP while still maintaining an increase in ROAS. On October 22nd, we hit 158 orders with a ROAS of 22X.

Vertical Scaling Performance
Performance Overview

The Results 📈

Total Items Sold
Number of Orders
Gross Sales
300 %
Budget Spent
42 %
Conversion Rate Increased By
18 X
  • Ecommerce Performance

The Dashboards⚖️

Conversion Rate
Total Orders

September Vs October⚖️

September Results
(September 2022)
October Results
(October 2022)

The results were overall great for our client. Not only did we see significant growth in gross sales, but we also managed to increase our market share significantly. We owe much of this success to the effective performance techniques that we implemented throughout the campaign.

By continuous improvement and innovation in using different combinations of strategies in future years, we are confident that we will be able to maintain their position as one of the leading online kids fashion brands.

What worked for our client may work for you, too. If you’d like to see your online ecommerce business grow in the same way that ours did, be sure to Ping us and let’s get started.

At Hive Analytics, we have a team of experienced professionals who can help you create an effective digital marketing strategy that will take your business to new heights. Thanks for reading!

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